Welcome to my site!

Tue Oct 18 2022

LB Toolkit, or how I recreated some already existing tools

I share a look at my personal computer toolkit, and at the process of its creation

Tue May 31 2022

Quizbero: my bachelor's graduation thesis

A small look into my bachelor's graduation project, the web app Quizbero

Wed Dec 08 2021

Building a minecraft server on a single board computer

What better during a worldwide pandemic that to get together with your friends on minecraft? Now, if only the server was free...

Fri Nov 26 2021

About this site - part 1

Come this winter, I wanted to find a place to both show off all the cool tricks I learn and write short blog stories talking about my experiences. I remembered I had a website that I only had been using to test npm packages in a production setting, and I decided to do something with it.